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*** Please note that you will have to create an account with The World Dance Registry if you don't already have one.


Once your account created, you can come back on this page and start your registration process by clicking on the « Register » button.


A new web page will open, just click on the « Get tickets » green button to get started ! 

competition rules

If you have performances on your own songs, please send them to the email address

It's important to identify the category and the name of the team or competitors. Thank you.

amateur team showcase


- This is a division meant for dancers who consider themselves as amateur dancers, as such it has no prize money as a reward for placement, please act accordingly to your best ability.
- Teams consisting of mostly professional dancers should not compete in this division.
- Same rules as team showcase.
- CSC reserves the right to require that a team competes instead in the team showcase division.
- Music is at discretion of the competitors. CSC recommends that you remain on the dance floor and keep routines between 2–4 minutes.

Team showcase


- Open to all teams (Professional and Amateur wishing to compete against the best)
- Choreographed Swing, any style.
- Teams must consist of at least 2 couples (4 dancers)
- 70% swing content required.
- Competitors supply their own music, between 2 and 4 minutes
- All dancers must be dancing at all times (reasonable breaks and freezes allowed)
- Costumes and/or matching or themed clothes are allowed and encouraged.
- Break-a-ways, lifts, drops, side-by-side patterns, aerials, and air steps are permitted.
- Music is at discretion of the competitors. CSC recommends that you remain on the dance floor and keep routines between 2–4 minutes.

classic swing couples


- Choreographed Swing: 70% Swing, any style
- Partners only, no solos.
- Competitors supply their own music, between 2 and 4 min. Music is at the discretion of the competitors.

- Costumes and/or matching or themed clothes are allowed and encouraged.
- Break-aways, drops and side-by-side patterns are permitted.
- Partner-supported lifts, aerials and air steps are NOT permitted.
- Danced as a spotlight performance.

SHOWCASE swing couples


- Same rules as Classic Swing, except partner-supported lifts, aerials and air steps are permitted and encouraged



- Amateur dancers dancing with professional dancers.
- The pro dancer must dance, teach or perform swing dance as a source of regular (every month throughout the year) revenue; by extension the amateur can not teach, perform or dance any style of dance for regular revenue.

- Fee for the competition is to be paid by the amateur.
- Pros may dance up to 3 times with different amateurs during the competition.
- Showcase rules apply except that it is permitted to dance a routine partially or completely made up of  solo dancing.

short showcase


- Choreographed routines.  

- Showcase rules apply except that Partnered Swing or Solo Routines are allowed with no more than 2 participants.

- Maximum length of 90 seconds.

rising star


-  A couple may consist of opposite or same-sex dance partners.
- Minimum number of entries = three (3). If there are less than 3 couples, the event shall offer the competitors the opportunity to perform an exhibition, with judge's feedback.
- Expected swing content of any style is 70%. It is at the judges’ discretion to determine that the swing content has been met.
- Performance time is a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 3 minutes.
- Competitors select their own music.
- Costumes are required.
- Time and judging starts at first movement of performance with or without music
- Separate entrances are permitted.
- Break-a-ways and side-by-side patterns are permitted, not longer than 8 beats.
- Lifts are optional.
- Maximum 5 partner weight support moves are allowed with the partner at knee level or below.

cabaret (crazy & solo)


- 3 entries are required in each sub category for the sub categories to be judged separately.

- Choreographies  are recommended and will be given preference.
- Music is at discretion of the competitors. CSC recommends that you remain on the dance floor and keep routines between one and four minutes.

- Cabaret Crazy - Anything goes!  Total freedom is given to competitors as to the content of the performance.

- Cabaret Solo - the performance will be entirely solo swing dancing.

canadian showcase

Lindy Hop

- The object of this category is to highlight the best all-around Lindy Hop dancers in Canada, with strong emphasis on improvisation and choreography set on the music. Competitors must register with a partner.
- Proof of Canadian residency is required.
- 70% swing content required (ECS, Various forms of Shag, Balboa, Charleston, traditional jazz steps and of course Lindy Hop).
- Pre-choreographed sequences are allowed.
- Music is chosen by the organizers.
- Costumes and/or matching or themed clothes are allowed and encouraged.
- Break-a-ways, side-by-side patterns and partner support (aerials, lifts, drops, etc.) are encouraged.
- Prelims may or may not take place.  If the number of competitors registered is too high, the prelims may not contain spotlight format component.
- Finals will be conducted in a spotlight jam format.

Strictly lindy hop

Lindy Hop

(Just Do It)
- Music chosen by organizers.
- Prelims will be danced in all-skate heats, finals in spotlight/jam format.
- Competitors must register with a partner.

newcomer lindy hop
mix & match

Lindy Hop

- CSC is committed to its original mission of giving future dance talent their first podium opportunity.
- Same rules as Intermediate Lindy Hop Mix & Match. Except:
- Participants should be new-to-dancing and competing, likely having danced less than one year.
- Participants must dance in their primary dance roles learned (lead/follow).

- CSC reserves the right to require participants to compete in the Intermediate Lindy Hop Mix and Match in the event of a doubt of a participants status as a newcomer to dancing.

intermediate lindy hop
mix & match

Lindy Hop

- Improvised Lindy Hop.
- Competitors register individually

- Music will be chosen by the event.
- Participants cannot receive regular revenue from teaching or performing Lindy Hop, and cannot have placed in an Intermediate level Lindy Hop competition at a major contest event.

advanced lindy hop
mix & match

Lindy Hop

- Same rules as Intermediate Lindy Hop except:
Participants may be paid members of a performing or teaching organization and/or have placed in a Mix & Match competition.

big money lindy hop
mix & match

Lindy Hop

- Same rules as Advanced Lindy Mix & Match, except:
This division is open to all participants and will offer a big money prize.

strictly west coast swing

West Coast Swing

- They will be separated according to the levels of the World Swing Dance Council (WSDC):
- This division is divided into Novice/ Intermediate and Advanced/All-Star. The couple has to dance at the level of the highest rated partner in WSDC points.
- Partners only, no solos. Competitors must register with a partner.
- Costumes and/or matching or themed clothes are allowed and encouraged.
- Break-aways, drops and side by side patterns are permitted.

Mix & Match
west coast swing

West Coast Swing

They will be separated according to the levels of the World Swing Dance Council (WSDC): Newcomer, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, All-Star
- Improvised West Coast Swing.
- Competitors register independently according to their WSDC points. Partners are chosen at random and competitors will have to dance with more than one partner.
- Music chosen by the event.
- Individuals may be chosen to dance in a final if need be.

Mix & Match


- Improvised Balboa
- Competitors register as individuals.
- Music will be chosen by the event.


SLOW balboa



strictly OPEN
rockabilly jive



- Improvised Rockabilly Jive possibly with some pre-choreographed sequences.
- Competitors register with a partner.
- 70% of Rockabilly Jive content required.
- Music provided by the event will be Rockabilly/Rock & Roll/Jump Blues.
- Finals may be conducted in Spotlight fashion.


Newcomer mix & match
rockabilly jive



CSC is committed its original mission of giving future dance talent their first podium opportunity.


advanced mix & match
rockabilly jive




strictly boogie woogie

Boogie Woogie

- Competitors register in couple.
- Music will be chosen by the event.
- Competition format will be inspired by WRRC contest formats.

INTERMEDIATE boogie woogie

Boogie Woogie


ADVANCED boogie woogie

Boogie Woogie


intermediate solo jazz


- Competitors register individually.
- Improvised solo vintage jazz dancing: 70% of vintage solo dance content is required (Charleston, Jazz, Soft Shoe, etc)
- Music provided by the event.
Participants cannot receive regular revenue from teaching or performing dance.

advanced solo jazz


- Same rules as Intermediate Solo Jazz except:
Participants may be paid members of a performing or teaching organization.

solo blues


- Competitors register individually.
- Prelims consist of three songs in all-skate format.
- Music provided by the event for prelim (1 Jukin, 1 Ballroom, 1 Blues/Jazz).
- Finals will be in spotlight jam format on live music.
- Judging is based on: blues aesthetic, respect of tempo, styling and originality of movement, and performance.

intermediate mix & match blues

Blues &

Slow Dance

- Competitors register individually.

- Prelims consist of three songs in an all-skate format.
- Music provided by the event for prelims (1 Jukin, 1 Ballroom, 1 Blues/Jazz).
- Prelims consist of randomly matched partnering.
- Final will be in a spotlight jam format on live music.
- Participants cannot receive regular revenue from teaching or performing Blues, and cannot have placed in an Intermediate level Blues competition at a major contest event.

- Judging is based on: 25% connection and partnership, 25% blues vocabulary and technique (use of idioms),  25% musicality and styling, 25% blues aesthetic.

advanced mix & match

Blues &

Slow Dance

- Same rules as Intermediate Blues Mix and Match except:

Participants may be paid members of a performing or teaching organization and/or have placed in a Mix & Match competition

OPEN strictly
slow dance

Blues &

Slow Dance

- Competitors must register with a partner.
- Improvised dance on slow jazz music.
- Music will be chosen by the event, under 120 bpm.

© 2025 by CSC team

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